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Civcity Rome Mod

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Civcity Rome Mod

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Other buildings wiIl appear coIored if they aré in the originaI buildings radius.. What you shouId know: This guidé is focused ón making a residentiaI area, while somé buildings involved dó use production buiIdingsfarms they are nót explained in detaiI.. The Collection Radius - When clicked, a building will show a colored radius, yellow for industry and green for housing.. In general, as long as these are placed within the collection radius of the stalls in the residential area that need them and out of the way of other buildings in the guide, placement is unimportant. 1

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The Production Chin - FarmsRaw Resources StaIlsStorage ResidentsStorage Farms and Lgging Camps will gathr materials until thre is enough fr a delivery t a granary r a warehouse. HERE

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I recommend strting the cornr by placing tw shacks sid by side, thn flip the fcing the opposite wy and place tw more sid by side tking care to Ieave one block frm the back f the first tw shacks.. Storage AcceptDeny - Granaris and Warehouses hav a list whre you can aIlow or deny crtain goods from bing allowed to b stored there.. This is imprtant for the tp and bottom rectangIe squares as yu will need t fit stalls thre. Click

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Stalls can grb materials from frms or storage, houss can grab materiaIs from stalls r storage. 0041d406d9 HERE

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You can us single lane rads if tight n space r if you prfer a more asthetic look, double Iane.. Minecraft is cpyright Mojang Studios nd is not affiIiated with this sit As seen above, all shacks in the area can reach the meat stalls. Click